
Simdi bu motosiklet nasil bir sey biliyor musunuz, gecenin en serinleri ususuyor her tarafiniza. Havadaki binbir koku hic karismadan birbirine sirayla selam veriyor gecerken, baslarini onune egerek sakince. Once lavantalar, bir iki kamyon egzost dumani, begonyalar, sokagin ucundaki arsiz hint yasemini, tek tuk kalmis koylulerin evinin arasinda tezek. Hizlandikca motor, yolun ufku yok oluyor, sanki kaynayacagiz biz de yolun iki kolunun birlestigi noktaya, o kadar yaniltici bir perspektif yani. Kocamin yasamima getirdigi bitmez yeniliklerden biri daha: Sonunda modaya uyduk ve uygun halli bir motosiklet edindik kendimize. Modaya uyduk dememeli belki de; duysa kizar kocam, cocuk meraki bitmek tukenmek bilmez onun. Memleketine yaptigimiz seyahatlerde hangi kapidan girsek 5 yasinda yaptigi yaramazlik hikayelerini dinledim herkesten, gulmekten katilarak. Babaannesi ornegin, okusun uflesin diye annesinden gizli mahallenin hocasina goturmus onu , hoca da bir dua yazmis vermis eline, “yaramazlik yapmak aklina gelince bu duayi oku” diye. Oyle cok okumus ki duayi kendi kendine, hala ezbere soyleyiveriyor aklina bir cinlik geldiginde. Kayinvalidem “care bulamadik” diye anlatirken, dilimi tutamadim daha fazla, “ ogulunuz hiperaktifmis, hala da oyle” deyiverdim. Kadincagiz yillarin gizini cozmus gibi sevindi: “uzaktaki un degirmenini yakmasinin sucu bende degil yani?” Istekleri, dusleri etrafinda olan bitenden bagimsizdir. Enerjisi ile koca bir sehir aydinlatılabilir, eger isterse elbet. Ruyasinda gorur gibi mesela kalkar bir sabah, “cartinge gidiyoruz” der. Ben, dunyanin en korkak cocuguyum, gunesten kizarmis ve solmus resimlerde, mahallenin kizlariyla lastik atlamaktan korkan o cocuk benim. Kaleci bile yapmazlardi, dusunce cok agliyorum diye. Canak comlek oyununun kurallarini bile ogrenemedim takimlarin ikisi de istemediginden beni. Olsun diyor. Kolumdan cekistire cekistire yasamayi ve yasatmayi beceriyor. Yazmayi dusundugum seyler bunlar degil idi ya neyse. Dun aksam diyordum, tek tip bir gunun ardindan gecenin karanliginda yeni oyuncagimizla dolastik ruzgar butun bedenimizi kaplayana kadar. Kocamin omzuna dayamisken cenemi, kaskim istemsizce onunkine carparken kasislerde, dondu ve bana “ne oldu mutsuz musun” dedi. Boyle zamanlarda bana ulasmasi pek kolay olmuyor biliyorum. Ama canim buyukluk yapip kucaklamak istemiyor iste. Kendi kendime birakilmak istiyorum desem, oyle de degil. Belki de ilgi acligimin en dorugunda nuksediyor bu hircinligim, olcemiyorum. Yok mutsuz degilim ama, bi’seyler eksik iste. Belki koca bir gun eksik hayatimdan, hatta daha uzun bir zaman, bir kac sene. Mutlu olmamaya alisigim, hadi kabul edelim istemiyorum hatta. Daha cok tastan bir bir dere yatagi bulsam, carpa carpa aksam diyorum. Akacak bir dere yatagi istiyorum evet. Gecenin bu saati boyle gecer, bu motorun uzerinde, bu kokularin arasinda, kivrimlarina gozum kapali taniklik edecegim bu omuza asilarak. Peki ya yarin? Ya diger gunler? Haftaya, aya tamamlandikca gozumde buyuyen koca bir zaman dilimi. Bir bosluk, siyah, hayir, sari. Kirli ucuk sari. Bahsettikleri bir hayat var fisiltiyla, 12 maymun kendi aralarinda konusurken hani. Ben benimkini tukettim. Bu hayatin kokularini, renklerini tukettim, detaylarini gorecek hevesi tukettim. Aksamlarini ve en cok da sabahlarini hele, tepe tepe kullandim. 24 saat hesabiyla gunler gecmeyecek gibi artik. Ya gunler 48 saate cikarilsin acilen, ya da bu noktada soz bitsin ve gorkemli bir 25nci saat kapanisi yapalim, tirat muhtesem Edward Norton’dan. Baslik: Fuck you.
yeah . fuck you . too.fuck me? fuck you .fuck you and this whole cityand everyone in it.no. no. no. no. no.fuck the panhandlersgrubbing for money.smiling at me behind my back.fuck the squeegee mendirtying up the cleanwindshield of my car.get a fucking job.fuck the sikhsand the pakistanisbombing down the avenuesin decrepit cabs.curry steaming out their pores.stinking up my day.terrorists in fucking training .slow the fuck down !fuck the chelsea boyswith their waxed chestsand pumped-up biceps.going down on each otherin my parks and on my piers.jiggling their dickson my channel 35!fuck the korean grocerswith their pyramidsof overpriced fruitand their tulips and roseswrapped in plastic.ten years in the country.still no speakee english .fuck the russiansin brighton beach .mobster thugs sitting in cafes.sipping tea in little glasses.sugar cubesbetween their teeth .wheelin' and dealin'and schemin' .go backwhere you fucking came from .fuck the black-hatted hasidimstrolling up and down4 7 th streetin their dirty gabardinewith their dandruff.selling south africanapartheid diamonds.come on .your wife deserves this.fuck the wall street brokers.self-styled mastersof the universe.michael douglas-gordon gekkowannabe motherfuckersfiguring out new waysto rob hardworking people blind .send those enron assholesto jail for fucking life.you think bush and cheneydidn't know about that shit?give me a fucking break.worldcom .fuck the puerto ricans.twenty to a car.swelling up the welfare rolls.worst fucking paradein the city.and don't even get me startedon the dominicans.'cause they makethe puerto ricans look good .who's this fuckin' guy?!get the fuck outta here!fuck the bensonhurst ltalianswith their pomaded hair.their nylon warm-up suits.their st. anthony medallions.swinging their jason giambilouisville slugger baseball batstrying to auditionfor ''the sopranos.''fuckin' crackyour fuckin' head open !fuck the upper east side wiveswith their hermes scarvesand their $50balducci artichoke.overfed facesgetting pulled and liftedand stretched all tautand shiny.you're not fooling anybody.sweetheart.fuck the uptown brothers.they never pass the ball .they don't want toplay defense.they take five stepson every layup to the hoop.and then they want toturn aroundand blame everythingon the white man .slavery ended 1 3 7 years ago.move the fuck on .fuck the corrupt cops withtheir anus-violating plungersand their 4 1 shots.standing behind a blue wallof silence.you betray our trust!fuck the priestswho put their handsdown someinnocent child's pants.fuck the church that protectsthem . delivering us into evil .and while you're at it.fuck j .c.he got off easy --a day on the cross.a weekend in hell .and all the hallelujahs of thelegioned angels for eternity.try seven yearsin fucking otisville. j .fuck osama bin laden .al qaeda.and backward-ass cave-dwellingfundamentalist assholeseverywhere.on the names ofinnocent thousands murdered .l pray you spend the restof eternity with your 7 2 whoresroasting in a jet-fuel firein hell .you towel-headed camel jockeyscan kiss my royal lrish ass.fuck jacob elinsky.whining malcontent.fuck francis xavier slaughtery.my best friend .judging me while he staresat my girlfriend's ass.fuck naturelle riviera.l gave her my trust.and she stabbed me in the back.sold me up the river.fucking bitch .fuck my fatherwith his endless grief.standing behind that bar.sipping on club soda.selling whiskey to firemenand cheering the bronx bombers.fuck this whole cityand everyone in it.from the row houses of astoriato the penthouseson park avenue.from the projects in the bronxto the lofts in soho.from the tenementsin alphabet cityto the brownstonesin park slopeto the split-levelsin staten lsland .let an earthquake crumble it.let the fires rage.let it burn to fucking ash .and then let the waters riseand submerge this wholerat-infested place.no.no. fuck you .montgomery brogan .you had it all .and you threw it away.you dumb fuck!
yeah . fuck you . too.fuck me? fuck you .fuck you and this whole cityand everyone in it.no. no. no. no. no.fuck the panhandlersgrubbing for money.smiling at me behind my back.fuck the squeegee mendirtying up the cleanwindshield of my car.get a fucking job.fuck the sikhsand the pakistanisbombing down the avenuesin decrepit cabs.curry steaming out their pores.stinking up my day.terrorists in fucking training .slow the fuck down !fuck the chelsea boyswith their waxed chestsand pumped-up biceps.going down on each otherin my parks and on my piers.jiggling their dickson my channel 35!fuck the korean grocerswith their pyramidsof overpriced fruitand their tulips and roseswrapped in plastic.ten years in the country.still no speakee english .fuck the russiansin brighton beach .mobster thugs sitting in cafes.sipping tea in little glasses.sugar cubesbetween their teeth .wheelin' and dealin'and schemin' .go backwhere you fucking came from .fuck the black-hatted hasidimstrolling up and down4 7 th streetin their dirty gabardinewith their dandruff.selling south africanapartheid diamonds.come on .your wife deserves this.fuck the wall street brokers.self-styled mastersof the universe.michael douglas-gordon gekkowannabe motherfuckersfiguring out new waysto rob hardworking people blind .send those enron assholesto jail for fucking life.you think bush and cheneydidn't know about that shit?give me a fucking break.worldcom .fuck the puerto ricans.twenty to a car.swelling up the welfare rolls.worst fucking paradein the city.and don't even get me startedon the dominicans.'cause they makethe puerto ricans look good .who's this fuckin' guy?!get the fuck outta here!fuck the bensonhurst ltalianswith their pomaded hair.their nylon warm-up suits.their st. anthony medallions.swinging their jason giambilouisville slugger baseball batstrying to auditionfor ''the sopranos.''fuckin' crackyour fuckin' head open !fuck the upper east side wiveswith their hermes scarvesand their $50balducci artichoke.overfed facesgetting pulled and liftedand stretched all tautand shiny.you're not fooling anybody.sweetheart.fuck the uptown brothers.they never pass the ball .they don't want toplay defense.they take five stepson every layup to the hoop.and then they want toturn aroundand blame everythingon the white man .slavery ended 1 3 7 years ago.move the fuck on .fuck the corrupt cops withtheir anus-violating plungersand their 4 1 shots.standing behind a blue wallof silence.you betray our trust!fuck the priestswho put their handsdown someinnocent child's pants.fuck the church that protectsthem . delivering us into evil .and while you're at it.fuck j .c.he got off easy --a day on the cross.a weekend in hell .and all the hallelujahs of thelegioned angels for eternity.try seven yearsin fucking otisville. j .fuck osama bin laden .al qaeda.and backward-ass cave-dwellingfundamentalist assholeseverywhere.on the names ofinnocent thousands murdered .l pray you spend the restof eternity with your 7 2 whoresroasting in a jet-fuel firein hell .you towel-headed camel jockeyscan kiss my royal lrish ass.fuck jacob elinsky.whining malcontent.fuck francis xavier slaughtery.my best friend .judging me while he staresat my girlfriend's ass.fuck naturelle riviera.l gave her my trust.and she stabbed me in the back.sold me up the river.fucking bitch .fuck my fatherwith his endless grief.standing behind that bar.sipping on club soda.selling whiskey to firemenand cheering the bronx bombers.fuck this whole cityand everyone in it.from the row houses of astoriato the penthouseson park avenue.from the projects in the bronxto the lofts in soho.from the tenementsin alphabet cityto the brownstonesin park slopeto the split-levelsin staten lsland .let an earthquake crumble it.let the fires rage.let it burn to fucking ash .and then let the waters riseand submerge this wholerat-infested place.no.no. fuck you .montgomery brogan .you had it all .and you threw it away.you dumb fuck!
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